Assembly of the Republic of Kosova

From the meeting of the Presidency of the Assembly


The Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo in today™s meeting chaired by Nexhat Daci, President of the Assembly, has deliberated the text of the Resolution on confirmation of the population™s will for the independence of Kosovo and has assessed that the offered text of Resolution essentially differs from the proposer™s and makes impossible to the Presidency to call a Plenary Session for its approval. Even, besides the texts signed by the Chairperson of the Committee for International Cooperation and EU Integrations, Sabri Hamiti there was another text with recommandations from the Committee for Judicial, Legislation and Constitutional Framework Matters which comes unincorporated in the ground text of Resolution.

In the Presidency dominated an opinion that this makes contently and procedurally impossible to call the Session for the approval of the Resolution.

In the meeting was proposed that the composition of both proposed texts from parliamentary committees (for International Cooperation and Legislation) shall be added in the platform of negotiation Group of Kosovo.

The work of proposed committees shall continue as well as the parliamentary groups for harmonization of the Resolution™s text, to be approved in other cases.