The Assembly is the legislative institution of the Republic of Kosovo, elected directly by the people. It has 120 MPs elected by secret voting. Out of 120 seats, twenty are guaranteed for representation of non-majority communities in Kosovo, 10 for Serbian community and 10 for other communities: Turk, Bosnian, Roma, Ashkali, Goran and Egyptian.
The Assembly has gender quota in order to insure representation of women in the ranks of MPs, for at least 1/3 of the general composition of the Assembly.
These provisions insure that the Assembly represents all people living in Kosovo.
During their parliamentary mandate, MPs conduct a series of functions. They review and adopt draft laws and decisions, represent and defend rights and interests of the citizens, oversee the work of the government and independent institutions, and they approve the budget of Kosovo.
The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo is elected for a four-year term.
The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo exercises competencies in accordance with Article 65 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo: adopts the Constitution, laws, resolutions, declarations and other general acts, decides on amendments to the Constitution, announces referendum, in accordance with the law, ratifies international treaties, approves the budget of the Republic of Kosovo, elects and dismisses the president and vice-presidents of the Assembly, elects and may dismiss the President of the Republic of Kosovo, elects the Government and may express no confidence in it, oversees the work of the Government and other public institutions that report to the Assembly in accordance with the Constitution and the law, elects members of the Kosovo Judicial Council and the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council in accordance with the Constitution, proposes judges for the Constitutional Court, oversees foreign and security policies, gives consent to the President’s decree announcing a State of Emergency, decides in regard to general interest issues as set forth by law..